This is the moment we all have been waiting for since last I right?! It's time for our annual GIVEAWAY! We are GIVING one lucky winner 10 pounds of our own FREE pastured organic meat (up to $200 value!) There is something special about a giveaway that makes everything seem right in the world again, you know what I mean? Some people like getting gifts and we love giving gifts. Our gift is raising animals on certified Organic pastures in the open-air using NO VAX, No ANTIBIOTICS, NO HORMONES, NO FEED ADDITIVES, just healthy nourishing meats and eggs!
Every year in December we have a count-down-to-Christmas Giveaway, and we are so excited it's upon us again! This year was a massive growing year on the farm and we REALLY wouldn't have been able to do it without all our AMAZINGLY WoNDERFUL LOYAL SUPPoRtivE Customers! Because of you we were able to add:
Grass-Fed Beef and Grass-fed Lamb to our menu
Double our pastured poultry production (including Eggs, Turkey and Broilers)
Gain 100's of new CSA members/customers to our community
Expand our farming land by 100%
Organic & Grass-fed raw Dairy and many other stellar local items to our Farm Shop.
A custom walk in Freezer and Refrigerator for much needed extra storage.
Another truck and trailer rig to take to several more Farmers Market's.
3 more working farm dogs into the mix
A new business partner in our friend, Pat!
Oh, and custom renovated a Farm Stay Guest House Air B & B (Which we can't wait to share with you soon!)
I'm sure I'm forgetting many other key growing factors, so forgive me! I tried to enjoy the experience as much as possible and take it all in, though at times I still couldn't quite keep up with the pace and somethings became a blur. All of this hard work is humbling and thrilling at the same time. Before we started HHF, we were just a family looking for the best quality food that we could find. Frustrated with what we found, we decided to take it upon ourselves to be the change we wished to see, and from that we have come so far. We deeply resect and are so grateful for our supporting community. This year's count-down-to-Christmas-giveaway Includes:
10 pounds of our own grown organic meats(up to $200 Value!)
1 Local Dark and Rich Maple Syrup
1 Locally Cultivated Dried Oyster Mushrooms by Ambler Mushrooms
1 Farm Soap using all Essential Oils by Possum Hallow Farm Soap.
1 Signature Dry Meat Rub by Chef Chad Rosenthal of the "Lucky Well"
1 pound of Local Raw Honey
1 bag of Hershberger Heritage Roast by Speakeasy Coffee Co.
*All Entries must be in person at 1614 Ridge Rd. Sellersville, PA
Allowed 1 entry for each visit!
Write your name and Email address on a ticket
Bring your friends and Family members!
*In person at our Farm Shop in Sellersville, PA and/or Farmers Market during regular business hours.
Giveaway Starts December 1st and ends December 22nd
Winner will be announced and emailed. If winner doesn't claim their prize in 48 hours we will pick another winner. GOOD LUCK!